Chapter Committees 

What are they?

Chapter Committees also referred to as "teams" are groups formed within the chapter to take on specific responsibilities. The Leader of each committee becomes apart of the Chapter Executive Board and is in charge of maintaining and conducting that team. Anyone can join the committees and start participating. This is the best way to maintain active OA participation and meet fellow chapter Arrowmen. In order to start a committee the chapter or dedicated Arrowmen must recognize the potential benefit and be appointed to that position by the current chapter chief. Not All committees may be permeant the Chapter Chief may also appoint "ad-hoc" committees to accomplish something more specific such as a one time event or upcoming challenge.

Current Chapter Committees

Memorabilia Committee

This Committee is in charge of Patches, Awards, and anything else the chapter offers. This group of Arrowmen creates the designs, orders, and assists with the selling of any memorabilia the chapter creates, this includes selling concessions at lodge events and Etowah camporee 

Current Committee Chair: (Vacant)

Team Chair Email:

Committee Adviser:

Chair Adviser Email:

Spirit Team

This generates the "scout spirit" in the chapter, they help generate skit ideas, fun activities to do at events, and help us show our chapter spirit when volunteering at district events. This team consist of those ready to do skits at fellowships or captain a land canoe.

Current Committee Chair: (Vacant)

Team Chair Email: 

Committee Adviser: 

Chair Adviser Email: 

Elections Team

This Committee is responsible for all the unit election visits. Their responsibilities mainly include determining who is available to do the election visitation. They must know the election process and be able to conduct it with another Arrowmen and Adult Adviser. They are also in charge of getting the election results to the Vice Chapter Chief. 

Current Committee Chair: Julia Pearce

Team Chair Email: 

Committee Adviser: Mr. Chris Bergen

Chair Adviser Email:

Program Committee

The program committee is made up of Arrowmen interested in starting and managing chapter level events. This committee works with the chapter chief to come up with interesting locations for chapter meetings, fun chapter level events such as bowling nights or mini-golf tournaments, or and Chapter fellowships. These Arrowmen work together to help generate, plan, and execute the proper programming for these events making it possible for the chapter to do fun things without the responsibility being overwhelming

Current Committee Chair: (Vacant)

Team Chair Email:

Committee Adviser:

Chair Adviser Email:

Website management Committee 

This committee is in charge of the website, they correct mistakes, generate the content for new pages, and help maintain the documents that make our website look nice. These Arrowmen help make sure the information we provide is up to date and accurate. 

Current Committee Chair: Alexander Bergen

Team Chair Email: 

Committee Adviser:

Chair Adviser Email:

Social Media & Communications Committee

This committee consists of those familiar with the best online platforms for communication. These Arrowmen take charge of the Etowah Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and any other platform as needed. The Arrowmen help relay communications about events, reminders, updates on topics, or anything needed by the chapter to more coinvent means of communication.

Current Committee Chair: (Vacant)

Team Chair Email: 

Committee Adviser:

Chair Adviser Email:

How do I join?

Simply get in touch with current chair of that committee and ask to join, They should start to include you in all the communications that team has. As that team starts to do or plan thing take part and offer up ideas or feedback, staying active in those communications is the best way to keep up and be involved.

What if I wanted to become a Committee Chair?

Get in contact with the Current Chapter Chief and let them know about your interest. Once your appointed you are now responsible for that committee and the people on it. Getting Arrowmen to join and getting your responsibilities executed correctly and on time falls to you now.